Germeseel Anneke, 28 oktober 2006 om 16:51:21 CESTh
Kan iemand mij vertellen waar de plaats Germeseel ligt? Ik weet wel dat het niet Scherpenzeel is en ook Schaarsbergen is het niet. Waar ligt Germeseel wel? Er zijn een aantal leden van de stam "van Wachtendonk" geboren. ... link (4 comments) ... comment De eerste 7 koningen van Rome Tarzan, 25 oktober 2006 om 16:25:05 CESTh
Voor zover na te gaan komen we uit Rome, waar Actius leefde in de tijd van de vijfde koning van Rome, Lucius Tarquinus Priscus. Wij stammen waarschijnlijk allemaal af van deze Actius. Ik heb even wat opgezocht over deze koningen. Hier komen ze allemaal, in het engels: Kings of Rome I According to tradition the foundation of Rome dates back to 753 BC, when Romulus (a son of the god Mars and a descendent of the Trojan prince Aeneas) killed his twin Remus and became the first king of the city. Even if this is only a fascinating legend Rome is very proud of its mythic origins. In fact, the symbol of the city is still the she-wolf, the mythic animal that found and suckled the two abandoned twins. To guarantee the population of his city, Romulus is told to have organized the famous "rape of the Sabine women". II The second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius (715-673 BC), was a Sabine regarded as especially just and devoted to religion. One of the religious traditions that he instituted is the selection of vergins to be priestesses of the goddess Vesta. III Under the third king, Tullus Hostilius (672-641 BC) the Romans began to expand with the conquest of nearby cities like Alba Longa. After he contracted the plague the Romans deposed him, thinking it was a punishment for the neglect of the gods, and named Ancus Marcius as their fourth king. IV Ancus Marcius, who reigned from 640- 617 BC, founded the port of Ostia at the mouth of the Tiber. The last thre kings of Rome were three Etruscan wealthy men. V Lucius Tarquinus Priscus (616-579 BC) was said to have drained the marshes between the hills and paved an area destined to became the market place (the future Roman Forum). VI Servius Tullius (578-535BC) organized the Roman army into groups of 100 men called centuries and was said to have built a new wall around the city. VII The seventh king, Lucius Tarquinus Suberbus was expelled in 510 BC after his son cruelly raped Lucretia, a virtuous roman matron and wife of his kinsman Collatius. With the deposition of the last Etruscan king ends not only the monarchy as form of government, but also the great and deep influence that the Etruscans have had since than on all the aspects of the early Roman life. Bron: www.aboutroma.com ... link (one comment) ... comment Castle Ammersoyen Tarzan, 24 oktober 2006 om 23:03:49 CESTh
![]() Ammersoyen Castle was built around 1350 near the Maas river by the Van Herlaer family. It has a rectangular almost square layout of four wings centered around a little courtyard with heavy round towers at its four corners. It shows similarity to other square castles like Helmond Castle, Muiden Castle and the partially remaining Radboud Castle. Ammersoyen Castle is connected to the separate bailey by a bridge and the entire site is moated. In 1386 already the castle was taken by force by Willem van Gulik, the Duke of Gelre. The Dukes of Gelre remained owners of the castle for 25 years. In 1412 Duke Reinald V granted the castle to his bastard son; Willem van Wachtendonk, who in 1424 sold the castle to Johan van Broekhuizen, Lord of Waardenburg. In 1496 the Van Arkel family married into ownership of the castle. This family lived in the castle until 1694. More info: www.castles.nl ... link (no comments) ... comment De ruine van Wachtendonk Tarzan, 24 oktober 2006 om 22:47:10 CESTh
Een stukje Engelse tekst dat ik vond op een Duitse website over Wachtendonk. Hier hebben ze het over de resten van Kasteel Wachtendonk. Binnenkort gaan we daar eens een kijkje nemen. WachtendonkPortrait:History, culture, sports and recreation make up the impressive package of leisure time activities available in Wachtendonk and in the beautiful landscape of its surrounding area. Taking a walk through the town center, one inevitably passes “Haus Püllen”, which dates back to the year 1634 and which is one of the town’s oldest architectural monuments. The nunnery, founded in 1430, today houses a presbytery and the library of the Catholic church. Right opposite, the parish church of St. Michael bids visitors to enter. A trip to the ruins of Castle Wachten-donk is always worthwhile. The national park “Maas-Schwalm-Nette” represents a well-working example of international co-operation in conservation and tourism. During the summer, the lakes are the place to be for all fans of water sports, where swimming and water skiing in the “Blue Lagoon” provide nice opportunities for refreshment. Hikers and bikers will find enough space in every season to discover the landscape of the Lower Rhine Area. The local gastronomy offers all kinds of delicacies for every palate and purse, for instance in the 1719 “Flachshaus” (Flax House).Ein gelungenes Beispiel internationaler Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet Naturschutz und Touristik ist der Naturpark Maas-Schwalm-Nette. Im Sommer gelten die Naturbadeseen als Mekka der Wassersportler. Schwimmen, aber auch Wasserski verschaffen in der "blauen Lagune" die nötige Abkühlung. Zu jeder Jahreszeit finden Wanderer und Radfahrer ausreichend Platz, um die niederrheinische Landschaft zu erkunden. Und nach einer anstrengenden Tour bietet die Gastronomie allerlei Leckereien für jeden Geschmack und Geldbeutel. Zum Beispiel im Flachshaus aus dem Jahr 1719. History: Wachtendonk, the southmost municipality of the city of Cleve, has been able to retain the medieval structures of the castle area. The typical appearance of an 18th-century country town is still ubiquitous. In the 12th century, the rulers of Wachten-donk built their castle on a flood-protected hill in the marshy lowlands between the rivers Nette and Niers. As early as 1354, Wachtendonk had municipal laws and was provided with a brewery, a beer cellar, a public kitchen and a bakery. Subsequently, sovereignty, destruction and changing ownership left their marks on the town. During the 15th century the rule switched from the Dukes of Geldern and Cleve and back, until the city fell to Emperor Charles V. There is a copper-plate print of 1560 showing the road network from a bird’s eye view. Thereafter, religious conflicts and two devastating fires hit the city hard. In 1713, Wachten-donk fell to Prussia and under Napoleonic rule temporarily lost its municipal laws. Er stond ook een heel klein plaatje van de ruine op. Mocht je de site willen bezoeken dan kan dat hier: http://www.hso-nrw.de/_en/_wachtendonk.html ... link (one comment) ... comment Jan van Wagtendonk Tarzan, 15 september 2006 om 06:40:12 CESTh
![]() Een foto van Jan van Wagtendonk in het Yosemite park waar hij werkt als "Research Forester". Meer informatie over hem en heel veel van zijn werk is hier te vinden: ... link (no comments) ... comment Gelukkig nieuwjaar Tarzan, 3 januari 2006 om 11:30:34 CETh
Allemaal een gelukkig nieuwjaar gewenst! Een jaar waarin ik veel familie hoop te ontmoeten. Ik heb er zin in. Ik wil ook ongeveer wekelijks hier een logje bijhouden, dat is misschien wel leuk. Ik wil bij deze ook andere familieleden uitnodigen om dat te doen. Gewoon Log en dan je naam als topic en af en toe een artikeltje plaatsen. We kunnen dan ook reageren op elkaar. Martijn. ... link (no comments) ... comment de bedeling in Schiedam anno 1847 lammert, 26 november 2005 om 16:13:13 CETh
Jan van Wagtendonk overleden 10 Oktober 1847. De weduwe van Jan, met name Jorijntje van Vliet, verzoekt onderstand of liever op de vaste bedeling te komen. Dat wordt wekelijks toegezegd: 40 cent en twee broden 2. Mei 1859 Jorijntje is zenuwachtig (zenuwziek). De bedeling wordt verhoogt tot 50 cent voor het afhalen van de bedeling van de weduwe van Jan van Wagtendonk s'maandags bij van Wamelen op de Hoogstraat. Lammert van Wagtendonk 26 November 2005 ... link (3 comments) ... comment Next page |